5 Holiday Marketing Tips

Are you a part of the 69% of small businesses that roll out their marketing plans before Halloween?1 If you want to stay ahead of the curve, today is the day to start implementing your holiday design and marketing plan. Below are 5 holiday marketing tips that can help you prepare:

Decorate Your Website and Social Media Channels

Spreading holiday cheer from your storefront is important, but making it cohesive across your website and social media channels is just as crucial! To do this, hire a graphic designer (if you don’t already have one on staff) and utilize their talents to give your standard business logo some holiday flair. Consider it a small investment — you can reuse this holiday logo for years to come. Also, don’t forget to change your Facebook and Twitter cover photos to reflect the season!

To learn how to hire a freelancer, visit our blog post Where to Hire Creative Freelancers.


Holiday Email Marketing  

While emails are overused throughout the holiday season, they’re still an integral part of your marketing campaign. Email is used to keep your small business on your customers’ minds. To be certain your emails are effective as possible throughout the holidays, implement these tips:

  • Keep emails concise. Make sure copy is minimal and there are direct links to promotional code and your website.
  • What’s the purpose? To be certain your emails don’t get lost in the holiday shuffle, clearly state the purpose of each email in the subject line.
  • Deck the holiday email! Your email campaign should be festive. I mean, it’s the holidays!


Direct Mail Holiday Card

Who doesn’t love getting a holiday card in the mail? We get them from our friends and family, so why not our favorite small businesses? Show some appreciation to your loyal customers who have supported your small business throughout the year with a holiday greetings card. To stand out from the crowd, mail out a New Year’s card with a promotional code rather than a Christmas-themed card.


Giveaways and Promotions

We all spend a great deal of money throughout the holidays, and your customers are no different. Because of the money constantly going out, your customers will have their eyes peeled for a deal they can’t pass up. As a thank you to your customers for choosing to shop with you, give them extra discounts like free shipping or 10% off. Also, if you have a storefront, simply leave out some holiday treats or coffee — these little things tend to go a long way.


Host a Charitable Event 

While the holidays are the biggest consumer quarter of the year, the season should also embody the spirit of giving back. To give back to your community and any charities you’re involved with, host a charity event at your storefront or sponsor an event that you feel passionate about. If you cannot afford to financially support a cause, remember that donating time is just as valuable!


1Lesonsky, R. (17 September 2013). Start now to you’re your holiday retail marketing campaign. Retrieved September 23, 2015 from https://www.sba.gov/blogs/start-now-plan-your-holiday-retail-marketing-campaign

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