5 Simple Ways to Save On Office Supplies

In an office, you undoubtedly need supplies. Pens, scissors, whiteout, rulers, paper clips — the list goes on and on. While these supplies are non-negotiable for most small businesses, they are also a huge drain on your budget. In order to remain productive and mind your money, read on to learn about five simple ways to save on supplies.

Buy in Bulk

After a short time spent purchasing supplies for your small business, you will begin to develop a list of your most used items. What do you go through in large amounts — paper, printer ink, permanent markers? Purchase those items in bulk! As a bonus tip, if you’re buying in bulk, you should consider buying generic. No need to pay extra for a name brand product that performs exactly the same!

Corporate Account

Did you know large office suppliers offer corporate accounts for small businesses? These accounts usually include an online service where you can order items and control who makes purchases on behalf on your company! The suppliers also frequently design customer loyalty programs to encourage you to purchase from them often! One way to save money is to consolidate your purchases and stick to one supplier to gain discounts or rewards. You also may be able to negotiate prices for items you buy often once you get to know your corporate account supplier.

Supply Station

Your office will require the essentials — staplers, tape dispensers, hole punches and more (of course the exact list depends on the kind of small business you operate). Rather than purchasing individual supplies for all of your employees, create supply stations throughout your office. Ironically, this will also encourage your staff to mingle with one another while they’re attending to their work needs!

Free Supplies?

While this may seem like the most unlikely option, there are many office supplies being given away for free! Websites like Craigslist.com, TotallyFreeStuff.com and SampleBuddy.com all give away free office supplies. These items range from older printers and fax machines to post-its, pens and even gift cards!

Last Minute Purchases

The simplest way to save money on office supplies is to not wait until the last minute! Purchasing last minute office supplies directly affects your budget in a negative way. How? Because most of the time, they’re impulse buys! So prepare before you run out of supplies in the future — your budget will appreciate it!

To learn more about saving money in the office daily, visit NetCredit — Going Green: Easy Daily Practices

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