Optimize Your Website for Mobile

Ninety percent of American adults own a cell phone and 58 percent own a smartphone.1 With over 1.2 billion people accessing the Internet from their mobile devices,2 optimizing your business’s website for mobile is more crucial than ever.

A mobile-optimized website is designed specifically for a smartphone. This is critical for efficiency because the screen of a desktop computer and the screen of a smartphone have very different dimensions. The website should be created specifically for ease of use and quick load times, and should feature an efficient layout with scaled photos and augmented content.

Nearly 74 percent of mobile users say they are more likely to return to mobile-friendly websites in the future.3 Mobile optimization will allow you to connect with your customers, build long-lasting relationships online, and increase sales. Whether you have already optimized your website for mobile or are just considering it, we’ve come up with a checklist of areas to explore for mobile website enhancement:

  •   Is the layout as effective on your smartphone as your desktop?  

Navigation on your mobile website should be as simple as your desktop version. Providing large and labeled headers will make thumbing through your website more enjoyable for your customers.

  • Does the mobile website reflect your customers’ needs?

Do your customers want photos of your products? Do your customers want a click-to-buy option? Are they interested in more content like videos or articles? Knowing what your customer desires is vital when designing your mobile website.

  • Does the site take too long to load?  

When optimizing your website for mobile, a scaled version of your desktop website should be the goal. The mobile version of your website should load in just a few seconds. Any longer, and your customers will hit the “back” button.

  • Can your customers locate and share your business information?

Customers may log on to your mobile website to gather more information about your business, like your location, phone number or email. Providing your contact information front and center is vital because it is something your customers will want access to.

  • Are your customers able to become fans of your business?

In order to keep your customers engaged and familiar with your brand, be certain to insert links to your social media profiles on your mobile website. When visitors become fans of your brand, they may convert to customers as well.

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