Best Practices for Email Marketing

Does your small business utilize email marketing? If you don’t, you are missing out on one of the best ways to reach consumers! Many small businesses are now dedicating a large portion of their marketing budget to email campaigns. Whether it’s to share about news, products or even sales — you have a wide range of opportunities with email marketing. However, like most small business marketing strategies, there are best practices to employ. We created an infographic that shares the best practices for your future email marketing endeavors!

Best Practices for Email Marketing

Infographic Roundup

Email Fact: There are 122,500,453,020 emails sent every hour!

Subject Lines

The subject line is the first thing potential readers see from your email. Make sure it’s catchy enough to grab peoples’ attention.

• Keep subject lines to 50 characters or fewer.
• Users are 22% more likely to open when addressed by their first name. Personalize email subjects to improve open rates.


Keep your content short, use a natural voice and use the most persuasive word —“you.” The cardinal rule: send your subscribers content they want!

• Newsletters, promotional campaigns, invitations, catalogs, surveys and transactional sends are the most popular emails for small businesses.
• To increase readership, use non-sales language.

• Focus your content around the subject line — less is more!

CTA (Call to Action)

Go “above the fold” with your CTA! The recipient may not read the entire email, so place the CTA above the content.

• Questions spike the interest of the reader, encouraging click-through.
• Colors matter! Orange and red are optimal choices for CTA buttons.
• Include a maximum of two CTA buttons — you don’t want to overwhelm your readers.


Did you know 53% of emails are opened on mobile?

• Your emails need to have a responsive design! This means that images and layouts flexibly shift depending on screen size, keeping the email looking good regardless of what device it’s viewed on.
• If you aren’t sure what devices your customers use most, perform A/B testing to determine metrics.


17% of Americans create a new email address every 6 months. So make it simple to subscribe!

• Include a link to a short sign-up form in the footer.
• Once you have collected their data, send a welcome email to confirm their subscription.

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