Communication Templates for Small Business Owners

The always-available mentality that enables us to connect with each other around the world has a particular effect on small businesses: Consumers expect you to respond with urgency. Advancements in technology and communication continue to close that window of time.

For smaller operations with very limited capital, employees and time in the day, simplified communication can help you save and prioritize resources where they’re most needed.

Integrating a selection of customizable communication templates is one way to increase efficiency and streamline your messaging while using the power of social media. Facebook and Instagram, for example, allow you to create and customize automatic responses to common questions via the in-app messenger.

We’ve rounded up a list of professional communication templates for various uses to help you run your business more efficiently. Save, customize and use these small business templates to keep things moving when you don’t have time to waste.


Sales and Operating Update Templates

Keeping your customers happy is often easier said than done, but honest and accurate communication goes a long way in client retention. Whether you need to suspend certain products, adjust your hours or do something else entirely, an empathetic, yet helpful tone can help you maintain good relationships while delivering the news.

When you update public-facing information about your business, make sure to be consistent across your website, online store and social media platforms. Quickly notify your customers of any operational changes with these small business templates:


For use on social media messaging, like LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter:

Hi there! Our physical stores are temporarily closed, but we’re still available for online orders [insert store link], shipping updates and more. Send us a message below or visit our website.


Hello! Thanks for your interest in our experience/product/service. While we’re currently closed for the season, we’re busy in preparation for a grand reopening. Check back for more information or visit our website [insert link]. Cheers!     


For email:

To our valued customers,

We hope that you’re staying happy, safe and healthy. While we wish that we could operate as usual, we’re facing setbacks that limit our ability to provide the experience/product/service that our customers deserve.

We’re taking a moment to temporarily close our stores so that we can continue to provide the online experience [insert link] to our high standards.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Your Business family.



Your Name

Your Title

Your Phone Number


Customer Service Templates

If your customer service team isn’t able to respond to messages or requests immediately, use these templates to address the wait period and provide additional resources until you have more time to reply.


For use on social media messaging, like LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

Looking for help? You’ve come to the right place. We’ll reach out with more information as soon as possible.


Hello! Thank you for reaching out to [company name]. Our dedicated customer service team is here to help, and a representative will reach out to you as soon as they can.


Hi! Our virtual home [link to shop] is open 24 hours a day. Reach out to our customer service team [insert email contact] for help or more information!


For email communication:



Thank you for your email. Our customer service team will reach out to help you shortly.

In the meantime, check out our FAQ page [insert link] for more information or visit our online store [insert link].

Thanks again for reaching out!


­­–Your Company


Out of Office Templates

Out-of-office notifications should be used for inbound email only. Even if you plan to be away from email for just one day, communication shouldn’t go dark just because you’re not accessible. Instead, quickly address your sender while offering your updated availability and a contact alternative for urgent matters, if possible.



Thank you for reaching out. I’m out of the office today with limited access to email. My colleague Their Name [insert email address] has agreed to cover urgent matters while I’m away.

I’ll reach out to you as soon as I’m back in the office on [insert date].



Your Name





Thank you for your interest in my product/service/company. I’m currently working behind-the-scenes and away from my desk from [insert date] to [insert date]. Please feel free to contact my associate, Their Name [insert email address] for urgent matters during that time.

I look forward to getting back in touch as soon as possible.



 Your Name


Networking/Communication Requests

Connection requests are a little more nuanced, particularly with individuals you might not know personally or professionally. It might feel awkward to reach out, but networking sites like LinkedIn were designed to help you overcome these hurdles and connect with relevant industry professionals.

Whatever the situation, don’t just send a generic connection request. Note any real-world context in your message, such as a common connection or interest to make your request clear and concise for the recipient. Here are two LinkedIn connection request messages to customize for your needs.


Hello Name,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m the owner of a company in your field. I’m reaching out to you because our common connection, [your colleague’s name], has recommended you for a role based on your qualifications and background. 

If you’re interested, I’d love to speak with you about the position. I understand if you’re not looking for an opportunity at this time.


Thank you for your time,

Your Name

Your Email Address




Dear Name,

I really enjoyed your presentation at last weekend’s event! I plan to teach your sales techniques and tips to my team [provide a specific detail about what you’ll be using] .

 Please feel free to reach out if I can assist you with any introductions within my network.



Your Name

Your Email Address




Dear Name,

I’m from the [insert region here] area, and I know that your business has an incredible reputation for quality. I’m reaching out to you because I respect that commitment to your customers and your family business. I also operate a humble [insert company type] company that could be of service to your operation [provide a specific example of what you offer].

Feel free to visit my website [insert link] or LinkedIn [insert link] page to learn more about what we offer or how we can help. Thanks for your time.                                                                                         


Your Name

Your Email Address

Bonnie is a Chicago transplant who's committed to seeing the world on a dime. As an avid news junkie with an affinity for finance, she loves to help others do more with less.

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